Photos From the Corry Dual Meet 1/9/08

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Team Captains

Matt Hoover

Dalton Lester

Corey Goss

Coach Cook

LeRoy Jenkins

Seth Stonis

Coaches Frick & Casey

Doug Myers

Coach Harrison

Jake Carter


Shawn McFadden

Paul Scharrer

Tyler Bowers

Cyrus Parlin

Joe Zimmerman

Zac Baumgartner

The Home Crowd
A big THANK YOU to
Mr. David Masters
for the photos!

Photos From Senior Night vs. McDowell

Dalton Lester

Corey Goss

LeRoy Jenkins

LeRoy and the Coaches

Seth Stonis

The GM Coaches

Jake Carter

Doug Myers

Shawn McFadden

Shawn and Rob

Paul Scharrer

Tyler Bowers

Cyrus Parlin


Zac Baumgartner

Matt Hoover

Dan McConnell

Coach Casey
A big THANK YOU to
Mr. David Masters
for the photos!

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