Photos From the Tool City Tournament. Page 1
~ Thanks to Dave Masters for the great photos ~

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Coach Cook congratulates Louie
Louie Decker Receives His 6th Place Medal
From Coach Cook at Tool City.

Hayden Harrison is in the process of breaking several school records
Hayden and Reynolds' Travis Battles

Ashton can wrestle like a madman for 6 full minutes
Ashton on the Attack against McGuffey's Matt Scherich.
Don Osinski is as intense as they come when he's on the mat
Don Osinski.... Mr Intensity!
Donald places at Tool city
Donald took 3rd Place at Tool City.
Senior, Jake Keene finally makes it to the Tool City podium
Jake Accepts His 3rd Place Plaque From Coach Mo.

Ashton and Coach Mulholland
Ashton placed 5th at Tool City.
Hayden has nearly 400 career takedowns
Hayden Making a Good Shot on Travis Battles!
Branden Stearns placed 6th at Tool City in 2003
Branden Stearns pinning Glendale's Bob Hewitt.
Coach Harrison was a state place winner in 1971 (3rd)
"Hey squirt, I haven't forgotten that you tore my bicep."

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